Assignment 3 - Building a Custom Visualization

In this assignment you must choose one of the options presented below and submit a visual as well as your source code for peer grading. The details of how you solve the assignment are up to you, although your assignment must use matplotlib so that your peers can evaluate your work. The options differ in challenge level, but there are no grades associated with the challenge level you chose. However, your peers will be asked to ensure you at least met a minimum quality for a given technique in order to pass. Implement the technique fully (or exceed it!) and you should be able to earn full grades for the assignment.

      Ferreira, N., Fisher, D., & Konig, A. C. (2014, April). Sample-oriented task-driven visualizations: allowing users to make better, more confident decisions.       In Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 571-580). ACM. (video)

In this paper the authors describe the challenges users face when trying to make judgements about probabilistic data generated through samples. As an example, they look at a bar chart of four years of data (replicated below in Figure 1). Each year has a y-axis value, which is derived from a sample of a larger dataset. For instance, the first value might be the number votes in a given district or riding for 1992, with the average being around 33,000. On top of this is plotted the confidence interval -- the range of the number of votes which encapsulates 95% of the data (see the boxplot lectures for more information, and the yerr parameter of barcharts).

        Figure 1 from (Ferreira et al, 2014).

A challenge that users face is that, for a given y-axis value (e.g. 42,000), it is difficult to know which x-axis values are most likely to be representative, because the confidence levels overlap and their distributions are different (the lengths of the confidence interval bars are unequal). One of the solutions the authors propose for this problem (Figure 2c) is to allow users to indicate the y-axis value of interest (e.g. 42,000) and then draw a horizontal line and color bars based on this value. So bars might be colored red if they are definitely above this value (given the confidence interval), blue if they are definitely below this value, or white if they contain this value.

Figure 2c from (Ferreira et al. 2014). Note that the colorbar legend at the bottom as well as the arrows are not required in the assignment descriptions below.

Easiest option: Implement the bar coloring as described above - a color scale with only three colors, (e.g. blue, white, and red). Assume the user provides the y axis value of interest as a parameter or variable.

Harder option: Implement the bar coloring as described in the paper, where the color of the bar is actually based on the amount of data covered (e.g. a gradient ranging from dark blue for the distribution being certainly below this y-axis, to white if the value is certainly contained, to dark red if the value is certainly not contained as the distribution is above the axis).

Even Harder option: Add interactivity to the above, which allows the user to click on the y axis to set the value of interest. The bar colors should change with respect to what value the user has selected.

Hardest option: Allow the user to interactively set a range of y values they are interested in, and recolor based on this (e.g. a y-axis band, see the paper for more details).

In [1]:
# Use the following data for this assignment:

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import scipy.stats as stats
import math


df = pd.DataFrame([np.random.normal(33500,150000,3650), 

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... 3640 3641 3642 3643 3644 3645 3646 3647 3648 3649
1992 2793.851077 105341.500709 -44415.807259 -49859.545652 328367.085875 242510.874946 47436.181512 75761.922925 148853.385142 220465.210458 ... 138454.070217 122488.069943 162247.982356 -273907.868554 -138410.570396 27638.756441 -33120.047151 -40989.824866 94532.974507 6128.841097
1993 -44406.485331 180815.466879 -108866.427539 -114625.083717 196807.232582 47161.295355 136522.083654 58826.904901 23329.019613 -96417.638483 ... -37809.868064 93228.910228 108183.379950 146728.060346 -10083.899508 -31300.144215 95017.857057 164071.514663 14409.944591 33298.608969
1994 134288.798913 169097.538334 337957.368420 -76005.273164 90130.207911 8453.626320 -24562.317561 195665.400438 -53475.640770 44708.230667 ... 145216.405451 67773.006363 95711.194465 174500.629277 -27821.888075 -57881.583140 26321.525617 -21424.067186 60164.652898 -74750.286614
1995 -44485.202120 -156.410517 -13425.878636 53540.999558 130408.559874 20445.656224 60336.077232 60688.099156 -12748.496722 57150.175074 ... -636.804950 49707.896672 52687.564135 13529.920850 67016.324752 41664.942829 119870.946944 56946.289297 67927.466106 32839.707999

4 rows × 3650 columns

In [2]:
df['mean'] = df.mean(axis=1)

In [3]:
z_critical = stats.norm.ppf(q = 0.975)
df['pop_stdev'] = df.std(axis=1)
df['95%'] = z_critical * (df['pop_stdev'] / math.sqrt(3650))

In [4]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib notebook
df = df.reset_index()

In [45]:
import seaborn as sb
fig = plt.figure()
n_groups = 4
index = np.arange(n_groups)
ax1 =['index'], df['mean'],

xlabels = ["1992", "1993", "1994", "1995"]
plt.xticks(df['index'], xlabels)
plt.title('Sample Bar Chart With User Interactivity')
plt.text(1991.55, 47000, 'User Input = NaN', style='italic', bbox={'facecolor':'k', 'alpha':0.2, 'pad':5})

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x7f55ef69b828>

In [46]:
def onclick(event):
    n_groups = 4
    index = np.arange(n_groups)
    ax1 =['index'], df['mean'],

    xlabels = ["1992", "1993", "1994", "1995"]
    plt.xticks(df['index'], xlabels)
    plt.title('Sample Bar Chart With User Interactivity')
    uinput = event.ydata
    plt.text(1991.55, 47000, 'User Input = {:,.0f}'.format(uinput), style='italic', bbox={'facecolor':'k', 'alpha':0.2, 'pad':5})
    df['user'] = event.ydata
    ax2 = plt.plot(df['index'], df['user'], '--r', alpha=0.8, color='m', label='User Value')
    for i in range(4):
        if df['mean'][i] < df['user'][0]:
            ax1[i].set_alpha(1-((((df['user'][0]-df['mean'][i])**2)**0.5) / 52000))
        elif df['mean'][i] == df['user'][0]:
            ax1[i].set_alpha(1-((((df['user'][0]-df['mean'][i])**2)**0.5) / 52000))

cid = fig.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', onclick)